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Our Mission

1) Design and deliver fun and fulfilling programs that improve clients physical abilities, skills and gamesmanship while fostering their self-confidence and self-esteem. 


2) Provide an affordable alternative for fitness and sport to parents and kids who are frustrated with high costs (fees, travel and time), inconsistent coaching and competition, excessive politics, and the focus on 'winning' and jockeying for scholarships


Parents value sports and kids enjoy playing and there is good reason. It is a great way to develop relationships, engage in competition, maintain mental and physical health, learn and have fun.  


As a result, youth sports has become a multi-billion dollar industry.  In many cases, parents are spending more for less. 

The Problem

Coaching is inconsistent, programs are self-interested, exclusivity is valued above inclusivity and 'winning' is prioritized over  growth,  development, and enjoyment.  Some kids takeaway is they are 'not good enough' or a failure despite effort.  The real failure is the program that produces these kind of results.

Our Promise

BiloBall is an affordable, inclusive,  well-planned and organized sports and fitness alternative exclusively focused on the development and enjoyment of kids. 


We value every kid no matter their baseline abilities.  We meet your kid where they are and focus on their effort and improvement rather than the scoreboard. 

Our Model

We customize our workouts for age and experience.  


We are inclusive and affordable.  BiloBall is for all ages and abilities.  Discounts are available per request.  


Our lead instructors are partners in the company and invested in it's mission.


We value long-term relationships over short-term profit.


We guarantee satisfaction.  If we don't deliver for your kid, you get refunded.  

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